Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cancer: Disease or Death?? (Part 3 continued...)

Grading  of Cancer

Please review the previous blog post here:

Grading is how slowly or quickly the cancer has spread. Grading is based on the rate of differentiation (that is, how different the cancer cell is from the normal cell) & rate of growth.

Cancer cells can either be low-grade or high-grade. There are 4 grades of cancer; Grade 1 to 4.

Grade 1 - cells are well differentiated
Grade 2 - cells are moderately differentiated
Grade3 - cells are poorly differentiated
Grade 4 - cells are undifferentiated

(Grades 1&2 are low-grade while grades 3&4 are high-grade)


In Grade 1, tumor cells are almost similar to normal cells. They grow slowly. Patient's with this grade are easier to manage because their condition is less severe.

In Grade 4, tumor cells are completely different from the normal cells. They grow and rapidly spread. Patients with this grade are managed by chemotherapy with an attempt to eliminate the cancerous cells from the normal ones.

Mentor Martin
(In the Lab) 2019
Laboratory Tests used to assess Grading and Staging of Cancer
Physical examination
Imaging Tests e.g. CT Scan, X-ray, MRI & Ultrasound

Roman numerals are used when staging. Numbers are used when grading cancer. I thought you should know this difference.

Now you know.

Our great discussion continues...
Cancer: Death or Disease?? (Part 4 coming...)

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Thank you. Keep Updated🙏